Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why I Do What I Do

I took a sabbatical from The Style Therapist blog this summer. A little traveling was involved (Barcelona, Rome and upstate New York), but I never took a break from actual Style Therapy. Style Therapy never sleeps!

I linked up with the client I've been praying for the entire time I've been helping folks make their closets more efficient. She's got a marvelous attitude and we've essentially recreated her new wardrobe from scratch. After a Closet Detox and our initial shopping trip to Saks, she wrote me the loveliest note:

Hi Simone!!

We were out of town and I have been meaning to drop you a quick email. I cannot thank you enough for your assistance on Thursday! I have never had a better time shopping that I can remember. You made me feel comfortable, energized and eager to get out there and shop for things that I need for work clothing…but also want to be excited about!! Your assistance made me feel special, and I am convinced that guy in the Saks shoe dept thought I was famous!!

I wore my new skirt, top, jacket and shoes on Friday for a presentation and I felt like a million bucks! In addition, my clients were able to pick up on my positive attitude and good feelings, which made our appointment (and my presentation) that much more fun and interesting!!

When can we get together again? I am really excited for our next adventure.

{Wiping away a tear}

This is what makes Style Therapy worthwhile. It's not simply about getting rid of the clothes you don't want or haven't worn in a while. It's harnessing the positive energy that can result from bringing your sartorial A-game. Remember, a hot mess closet reaps a hot mess life.

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